
Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching is a helping relationship formed between a Client who has managerial authority and responsibility in an organization and a Coach who uses a variety of techniques and methods to assist the Client to achieve a mutually identified set of goals to improve his or her professional performance and personal satisfaction and consequently to improve the effectiveness of the Client’s organization within a formally defined coaching agreement. Our work with coaching clients focuses on clearly defined goals and learning that will translate into improved performance and results.

Leadership Coaching Founder and Legacy Coaching Succession Coaching
Shadow Coaching New Leader/Onboarding Coaching Performance Coaching
High Potential Coaching Development Coaching Group/Peer Coaching
Targeted Behavioral Coaching Transition Coaching Career Coaching

Leadership Assessment and Development

Leveraging our experience conducting comprehensive, structured assessment interviews with over 2,500 senior executives over twenty-five years, we provide tailored leadership assessment and development services to clients which include comprehensive assessment interviews of internal and external candidates and Leadership Circle 360° with debriefing.

Organization Development

Organization Assessment and Design

Organizations are complex human systems that must maintain equilibrium among internal subsystems and the external world. Organization design is a deliberate program of configuring processes, structures, policies, practices, and reward systems to accomplish strategy.

Strategic Visioning and Planning

Our work focuses on evaluating questions and issues related to strategy formation, open dialog, defining business objectives, and leading cross-functional teams in analyzing and generating alternatives. Strategy requires regular activities to determine how an organization’s unique resources can be adapted and redeployed across and within continually changing environments.

Change Management

The pressures on organizations to change increases every day, and leaders must become the transformational stewards. We conduct extensive organization assessments, map the internal and external drivers for change, and develop a customized process tailored to the client’s specific requirements including embedding new change approaches in the culture. There are many different theories and frameworks for planned change, and we evaluate the best methodologies, models, tools, and processes to determine the best options for our clients.

Process Transformation

Our work focuses on the assessment and co-creation of new options for process development, process alignment, organizational learning, and dynamic capability. Cogenerated outcome objectives include enabling clients to develop new, integrative models of dynamic capability that results in substantial, measurable performance improvement.

Board Facilitation and Development

Through extensive reviews of the academic and professional literature on corporate and nonprofit Board governance, we have developed board self-assessment tools and core principles for effective Boards. Our work involves board assessment, facilitation, Board-Executive Director retreat design and implementation, strategic planning retreat design and facilitation, and Board performance guidance.

Talent Management and Retained Executive Search

Retained Executive Search

We have successfully conducted executive search engagements in virtually every industry sector and function. Our work is intentionally scaled to afford clients unrestricted access to the marketplace with tailored solutions, quick turnaround, comprehensive assessments, and the best talent in the marketplace.  We seek to maximize the return on investment for the client and work tirelessly to ensure that each successful search helps to drive the performance and evolution of the client’s organization.  We provide 90-days of onboarding coaching for each new leader focused on forging alliances with stakeholders, developing appropriate strategies, building a shared vision and credibility with stakeholders, creating early wins and virtuous cycles, and enlisting the support of all stakeholders around leadership and organization challenges in alignment with the organization’s mission and strategic priorities.

Succession Planning

Strategic Planning – Identifying skills and experience required for the future business strategies and goals, and developing actionable processes to select senior leaders.

Talent Assessment – Assessing your organization’s current bench strength, identifying gaps, and identifying opportunities for growth and development.

Development – Assessing current internal talent development programs, developing new conceptual frameworks and processes for leadership development, and establishing processes that provide opportunities for senior leaders to mentor top internal talent.

Recruitment - Comprehensive identification and evaluation of top external candidates as benchmarks, ensuring greatest diversity of successor candidates, and building a talent pipeline for key senior leadership roles.

Talent Engagement and Retention - Assessing existing talent engagement and retention programs and developing “next practices” supporting succession planning operations. Comprehensive evaluations focus on areas including: onboarding, skill building and training, job enrichment and rotation, rewards and recognition, and work environment.

Learning Workshops